
We generate clean, renewable electricity in Isolated Systems

BBF Energy

We were born in the renewable energy segment, working with clean electricity generation in Isolated Systems, located in the northern region of Brazil.

About BBF
image of the industrial plant of grupo BBF
Image of an electricity generation plant using biofuels from the grupo BBF
Image of electricity generators using biofuels from the grupo BBF
Aerial image of an electricity installation in Amazonas using biofuels from the grupo BBF
Image of a Lamp Lit on the ground

Clean electricity in northern Brazil

The plants at Grupo BBF operate with biofuels (biodiesel and vegetable oil) and biomass from oil palm, serving more than 140,000 residents.

BBF Energy Numbers

We are the only company that operates with B100 biodiesel to replace fossil diesel on a commercial scale in the Isolated Systems.

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residents served in the northern region

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thermal power plants

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thermoelectric plants in operation in the north region

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thermoelectric plants under construction in the north region

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of current generation capacity

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of future generation capacity for all UTEs

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states with electricity generation in Isolated Systems

BBF Energy's differentials

Our mission is to decarbonize the lung of the Amazon by making clean, renewable electricity available.

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icon certified energy matrix

Our commitment with Amazonia

Our thermoelectric plants guarantee energy security in isolated systems for more than 140,000 residents.

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Our energy in Isolated Systems

We operate in regions that are not connected to the National Interconnected System and our energy is generated from palm oil biodiesel.

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Clean energy for the Amazon population

In these communities there are small thermal power plants, most of which run on fossil diesel. We are pioneers in the generation of clean electric energy with biofuels, produced from oil palm.

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Electricity from palm oil

Our business model is verticalized. We start by planting oil palm according to the zoning legislation, develop biofuels, and generate clean and renewable electric power.

Our People

Collaborator in the oil palm plantations of grupo BBF
image of a grupo BBF worker in the oil palm plantation
image of a grupo BBF worker walking through a palm oil plantation
worker welding

We are proud to be more than 5,000 direct employees, more than 15,000 indirect employees and more than 400 family farmers. Together, we are caring for and transforming the Amazon region.


Direct employees


Indirect collaborators


Partner Families of the Family Farming Program

Regions of Operation

We generate clean, renewable electricity for more than 140,000 residents in the northern region of Brazil.

Image of an electricity generation plant using biofuels from the grupo BBF

Clean energy for the world's largest forest

Through Energy Auction No. 02/2016, held by ANEEL, we serve 6 localities with more than 54,000 residents. Our 6 UTEs have a generation capacity of 13.2 MW.

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Image of an electricity generation plant using biofuels from the grupo BBF

Green energy on the edge of Brazil

We serve 4 municipalities in the state: Marechal Thaumaturgo, Porto Walter, Santa Rosa do Purus and Jordão, with more than 46,000 residents. Our 4 UTEs have a generation capacity of 11.54 MW.

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Image of an electricity generation plant using biofuels from the grupo BBF

Integrated and Sustainable Solutions

We have 12 UTEs with a generating capacity of 8.1 MW, serving more than 7,000 residents.

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Image of one of the industrial facilities of the grupo BBF

Complete verticalized business model

Our complete operating cycle: oil palm plantation, biofuel production and clean electricity generation. Our Hybrid TPP has a generating capacity of 17.9 MW, serving more than 31,000 residents.

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Our energy in the heart of the Amazon rainforest

Check out our webseries "BBF and the Amazonian Communities" and learn how we generate clean electric energy in the Isolated Systems.

Cover episode 1 - bbf amazon communities
Cover episode 2 - bbf amazon communities
Cover Amazon communities
RR Hybrid Plant

Grupo BBF Hybrid Power Plant located in Roraima with a power generation capacity of 17.9MW and more than 31,000 customers served

Overview RR Hybrid Plant

Grupo BBF Hybrid Power Plant located in Roraima with a power generation capacity of 17.9MW and more than 31,000 customers served


The Grupo BBF Thermoelectric Plant is located in Ipixuna, Amazonas and has a power generation capacity of 4.4MW, serving more than 30,000 customers.

We operate in the Agroindustry, Biofuels, Biotechnology, and Renewable Energy sectors.