Area near Grupo BBF in Roraima has fewer deforestation alerts

Data from "MapBiomas Alerta" shows the positive influence of the company's environmental preservation practices
22 May, 2024
Deforestation Alerts - BBF Beacon - MapBiomas Alert

Check out the full article on the Terra portal:

Areas close to the operations of Grupo BBF (Brasil BioFuels) in São João da Baliza (RR) have 85% fewer deforestation alerts than areas further away in the same region. This is shown by a survey carried out using the "MapBiomas Alerta" monitoring platform, a system for validating and refining deforestation alerts using high-resolution satellite images, created by the Climate Observatory and the Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals Estimation System (SEEG).,68588eb529a03c3a8330d80b03b5a140rtumj07f.html?utm_source=clipboard

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