With 15 years of operations in the Amazon region, Grupo BBF has more than 75,000 hectares under oil palm cultivation. Of these, more than 60,000 hectares are planted in Pará, in four agro-industrial centers, located in the municipalities of Acará, Concórdia do Pará, Moju and Tomé-Açu.
Check out the chat and understand how Grupo BBF values and promotes socio-economic development in the region.
The entire production process in the palm chain can be implemented without cutting down any forest trees. In addition to the positive impact on socio-economic and environmental factors, Grupo BBF 's business model with palm cultivation values and encourages the development of its employees, providing professional training courses, lectures and internal campaigns.
In the first half of this year alone in the state of Pará, around 80 training classes, including technical, regulatory and skills development, were formed, including more than 1,600 employees who received various learning and improvement courses with internal and external instructors.
Watch: https://dol.com.br/dolplay/conteudo-de-marca/837972/grupo-bbf-impulsiona-agronegocio-sustentavel-no-para?d=1