Grupo BBF will invest in sustainable cocoa and açaí production

The company's CEO, Milton Steagall, was yesterday at the RBA Group headquarters to present the novelty. Planting will be done together with oil palm, of which the group is already the largest producer in the region
April 23, 2023
Four-person group: BBF CEO Milton Steagal, acting president of Grupo RBA, Camilo Centeno, Commercial Director of Grupo RBA, Nilton Lobato, and Patrícia Tupinambá, business executive of DIÁRIO DO PARÁ and DIÁRIO ONLINE (Dol)

A pioneer in creating sustainable solutions for generating renewable energy in the isolated systems of the Amazon region, with thermoelectric plants powered by biofuels produced in the region, and the largest producer of palm oil in Latin America, Grupo BBF (Brasil BioFuels) has announced that it will invest in the production of certified cocoa in Pará, using the Agroforestry System, with the intercropping of cocoa and açaí in degraded areas of the Amazon forest, together with oil palm.

To talk about the news, BBF CEO Milton Steagall visited the headquarters of Grupo RBA de Comunicação yesterday morning (26), in Belém. The executive was received by Grupo RBA's interim president, Camilo Centeno, accompanied by Grupo RBA's Commercial Director, Nilton Lobato, and by DIÁRIO DO PARÁ and DIÁRIO ONLINE (Dol) business executive, Patrícia Tupinambá.

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"Besides the palm, which is already an extensive plantation here in Pará, we are bringing cocoa and açaí cultures. These are two native cultures that will be intercropped with the palm, so that we can also participate in this leadership that the state of Pará already has. Today we already employ more than five thousand people in the state and our intention is to expand, really", declared Milton Steagall.


With this initiative, Grupo BBF intends to generate thousands of new jobs in the countryside, following the model of sustainable cultivation that accelerates the recovery of the Amazon biome. The Executive Commission for the Cocoa Farming Plan (CEPLAC), an agency of the Ministry of Agriculture which has the largest cocoa gene bank in the world, is a partner of Grupo BBF.

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"BBF is an important company for Pará. A large producer, which invests and generates jobs in our state. It has a very big impact. Therefore, we have to support and be together. These are companies that help develop our state. This visit by the BBF reinforces this partnership and allows us to strengthen this relationship even more so that the group can be together with the large enterprises, companies and those who believe in the state", Camilo Centeno points out.

"Besides the palm, which is already an extensive plantation here in Pará, we are bringing cocoa and açaí cultures. These are two native cultures that will be intercropped with the palm, so that we can also participate in this leadership that the state of Pará already has. Today we already employ more than five thousand people in the state and our intention is to really expand. Milton Steagall, BBF CEO

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