BBF has been caring for the Amazon for 15 years with sustainable practices

The Group completes 15 years today with major investments in the North region diversifying production and strengthening the commitment to communities and the environment. Today the journalist Haynna Hálex chats online with BBF's CEO, Milton Steagall about the work and challenges in the Amazon.
April 11, 2023
Milton Steagall

Grupo BBF (Brasil BioFuels), which operates in sustainable agribusiness from oil palm cultivation to biotechnology, biofuel production and renewable energy generation, turns 15 this April and is expected to grow by more than 36% this year. The company has assets in Acre, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia and Roraima and is one of the largest employers in the North.

Hear more about Grupo BBF in journalist Haynna Hálex's online chat with BBF CEO Milton Steagall.


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