Grupo BBF (Brasil BioFuels) has registered a 10% increase in the area under sustainable cultivation of oil palm, also known as dendê, rising from 68,000 hectares to 75,000 between 2021 and 2022. In addition, the company expanded its renewable energy generation, serving more than 140,000 customers, an increase of 27% on the previous year. Biodiesel production capacity also doubled, reaching 64 million liters in the year. These results can be found in Grupo BBF's 2022 Sustainability Report, which follows the guidelines of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), a widely recognized methodology for sustainability reports around the world.
"The report demonstrates the growth of our business and the diversification of our product portfolio. Grupo BBF , founded in 2008, has experienced robust and sustainable growth, in line with ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) principles and aligned with the company's mission," says Milton Steagall, CEO of Grupo BBF.
According to Steagall, the aim of the Sustainability Report is to present employees, investors, suppliers, clients and the community with Grupo BBF's journey, its results and the challenges it will overcome in 2022.
At the moment, Grupo BBF cultivates more than 75,000 hectares of oil palm in the states of Pará and Roraima, an area 10% larger than in 2021, when the plant was grown on 68,000 hectares. Steagall says that the prospect is to expand the area of oil palm cultivation in the Amazon region, with the aim of increasing sustainable oil palm cultivation by an additional 100,000 hectares in Roraima, in the region of São João da Baliza, where the company was founded.
In addition, Grupo BBF has doubled its annual biodiesel production capacity. In 2021, the capacity was 32 million liters, but in 2022 it reached 64 million liters.
Regarding the environmental aspect, the company highlights the stock of 25 million tons of carbon resulting from the sustainable cultivation of palm in the states of Pará and Roraima, as well as the care taken with 60 thousand hectares of Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) and Legal Reserve (RL).
In 2022, a new thermoelectric plant from Grupo BBF began operating in the state of Roraima. Currently, 25 plants are in operation, with a generating capacity of 86.8 MW of energy, serving more than 140,000 people in isolated areas of the northern region.