Brasil BioFuels (BBF) is structuring an operation with Global Forest Bond (GFB) to be remunerated for the conservation of legal reserves and permanent preservation areas in the Amazon. This is in return for its investment in palm plantations in degraded areas in the region, which will supply the green diesel biorefinery that the company is going to build in the North, a R$1.8 billion deal.
The GFB will structure the issuance of Green CPRs - which are credit titles to finance activities that generate environmental benefits in rural properties - and of carbon credits.
To audit the operation, which involves an area of 250 thousand hectares, and guarantee that the forest will in fact remain standing, GFB partnered with KPMG, adapting a platform created to audit soy plantations to the management of environmental assets.
"By photographing a tree with a tablet, we can measure diameter, height and carbon stock digitally. We also record animal sounds, identify species and measure the amount of water in the biome, providing those who purchase the bonds with other environmental compensation possibilities besides carbon, such as biodiversity and water footprinting, for example," says the CEO of GFB, Eduardo Marson Ferreira.
Mariana Barbosa - O Globo
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